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Found 24 result(s)
The measured values of the panel form the basis for a 3D reconstruction of the panel, which was calculated using photos taken by Gerd Graßhoff and Joanna Pruszynska with kind support of the Museum Warmii in autumn 2016. This repository contains the photos, the models, and the research data derived from them.
The objective of the Research Data Repository of the University of Rzeszow is to store and provide access to data collected or produced as material in the course of analysis in the course of scientific research by employees, doctoral students and students of the University of Rzeszow in accordance with the policy of Open Access, i.e. making publicly funded scientific publications and research results available in digital form on the Internet in order to enable their free use by researchers, students, businesses and society at large. The University of Rzeszow Repository operates as an institutional repository based on Regulation No. ZR/96/2023 of the Rector of the University of Rzeszow of 28 July 2023.
The purpose of the JKU Repository is to record and archive the academic and scientific output of all scholars at Jan Kochanowski University, as well as making the data available, thus ensuring unrestricted access to knowledge and maintaining the principle of transparency.
The purpose of the Repository of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin is to disseminate the academic achievements of the University' employees and to promote research conducted at the University. The repository contains resources from various fields of life sciences. Only the community of the University is allowed to upload new records.
University of Warsaw Research Data Repository aims to collect, archive, preserve and make available all types of research data. Storing and making data available is possible for users affiliated with the University of Warsaw, Poland, or those involved in projects carried out in partnership with the University of Warsaw. Browsing and downloading publicly available research data is open to all interested.
The AMUReD Institutional Research Data Repository of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (UAM) collects and provides access to digital versions of research data collected, processed or produced as part of the scientific research or developmental work of UAM employees.The AMUReD Repository is part of the AMU Research Portal, with University Library in Poznan as the operating unit. Depositing data is possible after logging into the AMU Research Portal, according to the attached instructions. The AMUReD repository is open, and research data are made available in three models: open (Open Access), embargo (Embargo) and closed (Restricted Access). The detailed rules of the AMUReD repository are defined in the Regulations. The AMUReD repository complies with the FAIR Principles. Each dataset is given a unique DOI identifier. The AMUReD repository complies with the FAIR Principles. Each dataset is given a unique DOI identifier. The prefix for DOIs is doi:10.60629. It is possible to choose a Creative Commons license for shared datasets.
Institutional repository of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, who collects data related to scientific activities. The Knowledge Base contains information on ongoing scientific, research and implementation work, as well as publications, reports on research conducted with public funds, defended doctoral dissertations, teaching activities and completed theses for first- and second-level studies.
The repository will meet the FAIR principles, and research data will be assigned a DOI number. In the Repository, authors can independently deposit research data generated as part of research projects. Research data records will be subject to verification by authorized persons from the University units – data stewards. The repository is a part of the University Base of Knowledge - the system that gathers information about various types of scientific activities of University employees.
The Repository of University of Wroclaw is an institutional repository, which archives and makes available scientific as well as research and development materials, that were created by the employees, postgraduate students, and (in the selection) by the students of the University of Wroclaw or issued at the University of Wroclaw. These materials include, inter alia, dissertations, postdoctoral thesis, selected undergraduate’s and postgraduate’s thesis, research articles, conference papers, monographs or their chapters, didactic materials, posters, and also research data. Repository is organized by fields of knowledge, in accordance with the areas represented at the University in the frameworks of its organizational units, such as departments, institutes and other interfaculty units, and its structure is hierarchical, based on groups of subjects, covering a variety of collections.
The main objective of the project is to digitize the data collected by the Maritime Administration and make it available for reuse by digitizing analog resources, integrating and harmonizing data and building a digital repository, and disseminating information about the resources collected in the system. The aim of the project is to make maritime administration data sets available on the Internet.
The purpose of the Social Data Repository (RDS) is to make available in the Internet social data, consisting of data sets and accompanying technical or methodological documentation. The use of Repository is open for everyone. The repository is operated by the University of Warsaw (Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw). Individual collections in the Social Data Repository are subject to editorial review by University of Warsaw or collection administrators, under separate rules for a given collection. In particular, the supervising editor for the collection “Archive of Quantitative Social Data” is the Team of the Archive of Quantitative Social Data.
RETOPEA investigates the different ways in which religious coexistence is thought of in different environments and how religious peace treaties have been established in the past. The idea is to use the insights gained to inform thinking about present-day peaceful religious co-existence The dataset contains the contents and the metadata of the resources (i.e., clippings) published on the RETOPEA website (
Pandora is an open data platform devoted to the study of the human story. Data may be deposited from various disciplines and research topics that investigate humans from their early beginnings until present in addition to their environmental context (e.g. archeology, anthropology history, ancient DNA, isotopes, zooarchaeology, archaeobotany, and paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic studies, etc.). Pandora allows autonomous data communities to self-manage their webspace and community membership. Data communities self-curate their data plus other supporting resources. Datasets may be assigned a new DOI and a schema markup is employed to improve data findability. Pandora also allows for links to datasets stored externally and having previously assigned DOIs. Through this, it becomes possible to establish data networks devoted to specific topics that may combine a mix of datasets stored either within Pandora or externally.
RODBUK Cracow Open Research Data Repository is co-created by six Cracow universities: AGH University of Science and Technology, University of Physical Education in Krakow, Cracow University of Technology, Krakow University of Economics, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Pedagogical University of Krakow. The purpose of RODBUK is to collect, develop, archive and make available in open access all types of research data created by researchers, PhD candidates and students in the course of scientific activity. RODBUK aims to implement the Open Science policy by creating a publicly available platform for depositing research datasets enabling: getting acquainted with the research conducted in Cracow's scientific centers, storage of various types of research data obtaining a permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for each dataset, standardized data citation, choosing a data usage license agreement (Creative Commons or other. RODBUK allows to collect and share open research data from various disciplines and in all file formats. RODBUK applies the FAIR Principles, which means the data is findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable.
TUL Open Research Data Repository ( is a service addressed to the scientific and research community of the Lodz University of Technology. The main purpose of is to collect, share and store the open research data, both during the research and after its completion, at least for the minimum period indicated by the funder or the scientists. The is a place where research data can be openly shared, accessed and then reused by others.
Repository "Open Science Resource Atlas 2.0" aims to increase the accessibility, improve the quality and extend the reusability of science resources. Repository focuses on the digital sharing of resources of great importance to the field of science and economy. These include publications, scripts, lectures, 3D models, audio and video recordings, photos, input and output files of various computer programs, databases collecting data from various fields, machines, systems, language corpora and many others. The target group, apart from academics, students and doctoral students, is everyone interested, including entrepreneurs and, what is important and unique - disabled, blind, visually impaired and deaf people.
Institutional Repository of the University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland). It includes the scientific achievements of the university's staff and students, including raw research data, as well as full texts of journals published by the University of Agriculture in Krakow.
RepOD is a general-purpose repository for open research data, offering all members of the academic community in Poland the possibility to deposit their work. It is intended for scientific data from all disciplines of knowledge and in all formats. The purpose of RepOD is to create a place where research data can be safely stored and openly shared with others.
The KPDL covers cultural heritage, scientific and regional collections – digital copies of different forms of publications: books, journals, graphics, articles, leaflets, posters, playbills, photographs, invitations, maps, exhibition catalogues and trade fairs of the region. The Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library is to serve scientists, students, schoolchildren and all the citizens of the region.
Polish CLARIN node – CLARIN-PL Language Technology Centre – is being built at Wrocław University of Technology. The LTC is addressed to scholars in the humanities and social sciences. Registered users are granted free access to digital language resources and advanced tools to explore them. They can also archive and share their own language data (in written, spoken, video or multimodal form).
Koszalin University of Technology is the only technical university in Central Pomerania. It is located in a town of 100 thousand inhabitants, about 10 km from the Baltic Sea. Central Pomerania is a region with well-developed tourism, agriculture, food-processing and electronics industries. Koszalin University of Technology conducts teaching and scientific-research activities in disciplines related primarily to the directions of development of the region. Koszalin University of Technology is authorized to confer doctoral degrees. The doctoral degree is conferred by the Doctoral School operating at Koszalin University of Technology. It educates students on I st and II nd degree studies, in stationary and non-stationary mode. The Repository is to be used for collecting, storing (archiving), presenting (making available) and retrieving information on the scientific and popular scientific achievement of employees, doctoral students and students, as well as on their professional achievements and activities that create the university's output and shaping its image among other scientific institutions in the country and in the world.
The University of Lodz Repository is an institutional repository whose purpose is to disseminate the scholarly output of its staff and promote research conducted at the UL. It is an archive of its own electronic documents – each deposited publication or collection of research data is given a permanent identifier (handle), enabling the document to be cited and indexed in scientific databases. The University of Lodz Repository operates as an institutional repository based on Regulation No. 51 of the Rector of the University of Lodz of 31 March 2015.
The nature of the ‘Bridge of Data’ project is to design and build a platform that allows collecting, searching, analyzing and sharing open research data and to provide it with unique data collected from the three most important Pomeranian universities: Gdańsk University of Technology, Medical University of Gdańsk and the University of Gdańsk. These data will be made available free of charge to the scientific community, entrepreneurs and the public. A bridge will be built to allow reuse of Open Research Data. The available research data will be described by standards developed by dedicated, experienced scientific teams. The metadata will allow other external computer systems to interpret the collected data. ORD descriptions will also include data reuse or reduction scenarios to facilitate further processing.
Repository of the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It provides access to publications by our academic staff (both final versions and manuscripts), as well as researchers' data resulted projects carried out by academics. The institutional repository is also a place for making available publications issued by the Institute's Publishing House (both books and scientific journal), as well as digitized library materials. Materials protected by copyright are made available online only to authorized users (employees) or other users - in the reading room of the IlS PAS Library.