The KiezDeutsch-Korpus (KiDKo) has been developed by project B6 (PI: Heike Wiese) of the collaborative research centre Information Structure (SFB 632) at the University of Potsdam from 2008 to 2015. KiDKo is a multi-modal digital corpus of spontaneous discourse data from informal, oral peer group situations in multi- and monoethnic speech communities.
KiDKo contains audio data from self-recordings, with aligned transcriptions (i.e., at every point in a transcript, one can access the corresponding area in the audio file). The corpus provides parts-of-speech tags as well as an orthographically normalised layer (Rehbein & Schalowski 2013). Another annotation level provides information on syntactic chunks and topological fields.
There are several complementary corpora:
KiDKo/E (Einstellungen - "attitudes") captures spontaneous data from the public discussion on Kiezdeutsch: it assembles emails and readers' comments posted in reaction to media reports on Kiezdeutsch. By doing so, KiDKo/E provides data on language attitudes, language perceptions, and language ideologies, which became apparent in the context of the debate on Kiezdeutsch, but which frequently related to such broader domains as multilingualism, standard language, language prestige, and social class.
KiDKo/LL ("Linguistic Landscape") assembles photos of written language productions in public space from the context of Kiezdeutsch, for instance love notes on walls, park benches, and playgrounds, graffiti in house entrances, and scribbled messages on toilet walls.
Contains materials in following languages: Spanish, Italian, Greek, Kurdish, Swedish, French, Croatian, Arabic, Turkish.