<<<!!!<<< As stated 2017-06-27 The website http://researchcompendia.org is no longer available; repository software is archived on github https://github.com/researchcompendia >>>!!!>>> The ResearchCompendia platform is an attempt to use the web to enhance the reproducibility and verifiability—and thus the reliability—of scientific research. we provide the tools to publish the "actual scholarship" by hosting data, code, and methods in a form that is accessible, trackable, and persistent. Some of our short term goals include:
To expand and enhance the platform including adding executability for a greater variety of coding languages and frameworks, and enhancing output presentation.
To expand usership and to test the ResearchCompendia model in a number of additional fields, including computational mathematics, statistics, and biostatistics.
To pilot integration with existing scholarly platforms, enabling researchers to discover relevant Research Compendia websites when looking at online articles, code repositories, or data archives.