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Found 22 result(s)
The MAPPA Open Data archaeological archive (MOD) is an archaeological digital archive that publishes the archaeological documentation (Dataset) and gray literature (Reports) produced in the course of archaeological investigations.
IsoArcH is an open access isotope web-database for bioarchaeological samples from prehistoric and historical periods all over the world. With 40,000+ isotope related data obtained on 13,000+ specimens (i.e., humans, animals, plants and organic residues) coming from 500+ archaeological sites, IsoArcH is now one of the world's largest repositories for isotopic data and metadata deriving from archaeological contexts. IsoArcH allows to initiate big data initiatives but also highlights research lacks in certain regions or time periods. Among others, it supports the creation of sound baselines, the undertaking of multi-scale analysis, and the realization of extensive studies and syntheses on various research issues such as paleodiet, food production, resource management, migrations, paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental changes.
The purpose of this central repository is to gather all the research data created by Greek researchers and academics from Greek Universities, and make them available in the most open and secure way possible. HARDMIN has been developed with the open software CKAN and, along with HELIX, constitutes the national digital research infrastructure (eInfrastructure) software for cataloguing services and research data repository, part of the Open Access infrastructure of Heal-Link. The repository provides the capability to connect to already established repositories and extract data from existing collections.
heidICON is provided by Heidelberg University Library and is the "Virtual Slide Collection" in progress of organization of Heidelberg University. In addition to record graphic material on current interest for research and teaching, the University departments and institutes can digitize and transfer their already existing slide collections.
<<<!!!<<< the repository is offline >>>!!!>>> The Detection of Archaeological Residues using Remote-sensing Techniques (DART) project was initiated in 2010 in order to investigate the ability of various sensors to detect archaeological features in ‘difficult’ circumstances. Concluding in September 2013, DART had the overall aim of developing analytical methods for identifying and quantifying gradual changes and dynamics in sensor responses associated with surface and near-surface archaeological features under different environmental and land-management conditions.
In addition to the common documentation methods of cylinder seals by rolled impression and photography, this collection also offers 3D-models and digital impressions. The 3D-scans can be performed without impacting the objects, thus reducing the risks. This method allows even the most fragile of seals to be documented, including those too delicate to be used for a rolled impression. These scans offer a true-to-scale reproduction of the seals.
In the Hellenistic and Roman period, many buildings and material objects were constructed using structural geometrical specifications. Ancient sundials were built using basic geometrical forms of very few construction types taking also into account the astronomical dimensions. In architectural drawings, comparable proportions can be found. The tower of the winds merges all these geometrical principles of construction. The construction drawings of this collection comprise geometrical drafts used for the construction of buildings. They differ from simple geometrical forms in that they present the general layout of the lines indicating objects and geometrical areas. Their geometrical dimensions are constructed according to the principles of proportional relations and were implemented in – sometimes very complex – work processes in which artefacts of the original objects were constructed. Construction drawings from the pillars of Didyma, which were discovered by Lothar Haselberger, serve as a paradigmatic model for these architectural drawings.
OCTOPUS is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant web-enabled database that allows users to visualise, query, and download cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al, luminescence, and radiocarbon ages and denudation rates associated with erosional landscapes, Quaternary depositional landforms and archaeological records, along with associated geospatial (vector and raster) data layers.
MorphoSource is a data repository specialized for 3D representing physical objects used in research in education (e.g., from museum or laboratory collections). It allows researchers and museum collection staff to store and organize, share, and distribute their own 3d data. Furthermore any registered user can immediately search for and download 3d morphological data sets that have been made accessible through the consent of data authors.
Country is a research data store provided by DTU, the Danish Technical University, specifically aimed at researchers and scientists at Danish academic institutions. The service is intended for working with and sharing active research data as well as for safekeeping of large datasets. The data can be accessed and manipulated via a web interface, synchronization clients, file transfer clients or the command line. The service is built on and with open-source software from the ground up: FreeBSD, ZFS, Apache, PHP, ownCloud/Nextcloud. DTU is actively engaged in community efforts on developing research-specific functionality for data stores. Our servers are attached directly to the 10-Gigabit backbone of "Forskningsnettet" (the National Research and Education Network of Denmark) - implying that up and download speed from Danish academic institutions is in principle comparable to those of an external USB hard drive. Data store for research data allowing private sharing and sharing via links / persistent URLs.
ArkeoGIS is a unified scientific data publishing platform. It is a multilingual Geographic Information System (GIS), initially developed in order to mutualize archaeological and paleoenvironmental data of the Rhine Valley. Today, it allows the pooling of spatialized scientific data concerning the past, from prehistory to the present day. The databases come from the work of institutional researchers, doctoral students, master students, private companies and archaeological services. They are stored on the TGIR Huma-Num service grid and archived as part of the Huma-Num/CINES long-term archiving service. Because of their sensitive nature, which could lead to the looting of archaeological deposits, access to the tool is reserved to archaeological professionals, from research institutions or non-profit organizations. Each user can query online all or part of the available databases and export the results of his query to other tools.
Arachne is the central object-database of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI). In 2004 the DAI and the Research Archive for Ancient Sculpture at the University of Cologne (FA) joined the effort to support Arachne as a tool for free internet-based research. Arachne's database design uses a model that builds on one of the most basic assumptions one can make about archaeology, classical archaeology or art history: all activities in these areas can most generally be described as contextualizing objects. Arachne tries to avoid the basic mistakes of earlier databases, which limited their object modeling to specific project-oriented aspects, thus creating separated containers of only a small number of objects. All objects inside Arachne share a general part of their object model, to which a more class-specific part is added that describes the specialised properties of a category of material like architecture or topography. Seen on the level of the general part, a powerful pool of material can be used for general information retrieval, whereas on the level of categories and properties, very specific structures can be displayed.
The ADS is an accredited digital repository for heritage data that supports research, learning and teaching with freely available, high quality and dependable digital resources by preserving and disseminating digital data in the long term. The ADS also promotes good practice in the use of digital data, provides technical advice to the heritage community, and supports the deployment of digital technologies.
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Database of ancient sources concerning Roman Water Law. Specific legal sources, e.g. from the Corpus Iuris Civilis or the Codex Theodosianus, and literary sources, for example from Cicero, Frontinus, Hyginus, Siculus Flaccus or Vitruvius, were collected to give an overview of water related legal problems in ancient Rome. Furthermore, the aim of the database is to classify these sources into different legal topics, in order to facilitate the research for sources concerning specific questions regarding Roman Water Law.
The INAH Media Library is the open access repository of the National Institute of Anthropology and History of Mexico. Its objective is to preserve and make accessible the digital representation of the historical and cultural heritage under its custody, as well as the scientific knowledge it generates through its education and research centres.