ORTOLANG is an EQUIPEX project accepted in February 2012 in the framework of investissements d’avenir. Its aim is to construct a network infrastructure including a repository of language data (corpora, lexicons, dictionaries etc.) and readily available, well-documented tools for its processing. Expected outcomes comprize:
promoting research on analysis, modelling and automatic processing of our language to their highest international levels thanks to effective resource pooling;
facilitating the use and transfer of resources and tools set up within public laboratories to industrial partners, notably SMEs which often cannot develop such resources and tools for language processing given the cost of investment;
promoting French language and the regional languages of France by sharing expertise acquired by public laboratories.
ORTOLANG is a service for the language, which is complementary to the service offered by Huma-Num (très grande infrastructure de recherche). Ortolang gives access to SLDR for speech, and CNRTL for text resources.