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Found 11 result(s)
Reactome is a manually curated, peer-reviewed pathway database, annotated by expert biologists and cross-referenced to bioinformatics databases. Its aim is to share information in the visual representations of biological pathways in a computationally accessible format. Pathway annotations are authored by expert biologists, in collaboration with Reactome editorial staff and cross-referenced to many bioinformatics databases. These include NCBI Gene, Ensembl and UniProt databases, the UCSC and HapMap Genome Browsers, the KEGG Compound and ChEBI small molecule databases, PubMed, and Gene Ontology.
The Arizona State University (ASU) Research Data Repository provides a platform for ASU-affiliated researchers to share, preserve, cite, and make research data accessible and discoverable. The ASU Research Data Repository provides a permanent digital identifier for research data, which complies with data sharing policies. The repository is powered by the Dataverse open-source application, developed and used by Harvard University. Both the ASU Research Data Repository and the KEEP Institutional Repository are managed by the ASU Library to ensure research produced at Arizona State University is discoverable and accessible to the global community.
The GWAS Catalog is an open access repository of all human genome wide association studies. It is considered the “go-to” resource for genetic evidence of associations between common genetic variation and diseases or phenotypes, is accessed by scientists, clinicians and other users worldwide, and is integrated with numerous other resources. Association data and metadata are identified and extracted from the scientific literature by expert data curators. Submissions of full genome wide summary data can be made directly by authors, either before or after journal publication.
The Polinsky Language Sciences Lab at Harvard University is a linguistics lab that examines questions of language structure and its effect on the ways in which people use and process language in real time. We engage in linguistic and interdisciplinary research projects ourselves; offer linguistic research capabilities for undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and visitors; and build relationships with the linguistic communities in which we do our research. We are interested in a broad range of issues pertaining to syntax, interfaces, and cross-linguistic variation. We place a particular emphasis on novel experimental evidence that facilitates the construction of linguistic theory. We have a strong cross-linguistic focus, drawing upon English, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Mayan languages, Basque, Austronesian languages, languages of the Caucasus, and others. We believe that challenging existing theories with data from as broad a range of languages as possible is a crucial component of the successful development of linguistic theory. We investigate both fluent speakers and heritage speakers—those who grew up hearing or speaking a particular language but who are now more fluent in a different, societally dominant language. Heritage languages, a novel field of linguistic inquiry, are important because they provide new insights into processes of linguistic development and attrition in general, thus increasing our understanding of the human capacity to maintain and acquire language. Understanding language use and processing in real time and how children acquire language helps us improve language study and pedagogy, which in turn improves communication across the globe. Although our lab does not specialize in language acquisition, we have conducted some studies of acquisition of lesser-studied languages and heritage languages, with the purpose of comparing heritage speakers to adults.
LibraData is a place for UVA researchers to share data publicly. It is UVA's local instance of Dataverse. LibraData is part of the Libra Scholarly Repository suite of services which includes works of UVA scholarship such as articles, books, theses, and data.
The Odum Institute Archive Dataverse contains social science data curated and archived by the Odum Institute Data Archive at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Some key collections include the primary holdings of the Louis Harris Data Center, the National Network of State Polls, and other Southern-focused public opinion data. Please note that some datasets in this collection are restricted to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill affiliates. Access to these datasets require UNC ONYEN institutional login to the Dataverse system.
UltraViolet is part of a suite of repositories at New York University that provide a home for research materials, operated as a partnership of the Division of Libraries and NYU IT's Research and Instruction Technology. UltraViolet provides faculty, students, and researchers within our university community with a place to deposit scholarly materials for open access and long-term preservation. UltraViolet also houses some NYU Libraries collections, including proprietary data collections.
The Integrated Resource for Reproducibility in Macromolecular Crystallography includes a repository system and website designed to make the raw data of protein crystallography more widely available. Our focus is on identifying, cataloging and providing the metadata related to datasets, which could be used to reprocess the original diffraction data. The intent behind this project is to make the resulting three dimensional structures more reproducible and easier to modify and improve as processing methods advance.
The George Mason University Dataverse is available for George Mason faculty, staff, and students to publish, share, and preserve their research data of enduring value. It is a companion to the Mason Archival Repository Service (
The COordinated Molecular Probe Line Extinction Thermal Emission Survey of Star Forming Regions (COMPLETE) provides a range of data complementary to the Spitzer Legacy Program "From Molecular Cores to Planet Forming Disks" (c2d) for the Perseus, Ophiuchus and Serpens regions. In combination with the Spitzer observations, COMPLETE will allow for detailed analysis and understanding of the physics of star formation on scales from 500 A.U. to 10 pc.