AusGeochem is an easy-to-use platform for uploading, visualising, analysing and discovering georeferenced sample information and data produced by various geoscience research institutions such as universities, geological survey agencies and museums. With respect to analytical research laboratories, AusGeochem provides a centralised repository allowing laboratories to upload, archive, disseminate and publish their datasets. The intuitive user interface (UI) allows users to access national publicly funded data quickly through the ability to view an area of interest, synthesise a variety of geochemical data in real-time, and extract the required data, gaining novel scientific insights through multi-method data collation. Lithodat Pty Ltd has integrated built-in data synthesis functions into the platform, such as cumulative age histograms, age vs elevation plots, and step-heating diagrams, allowing for rapid inter-study comparisons. Data can be extracted in multiple formats for re-use in a variety of software systems, allowing for the integration of regional datasets into machine learning and AI systems.